Here at SinnfullDuck

I write posts as well as make videos about how I enjoy myself in the Battle Grounds and where to go to make some easy money as a Priest in World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope they are able to enhance your game in some way. Also, be sure to vote in the weekly polls posted to the right.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First of Many

This video has a collection of clips from Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin. Parts of the video may look strange to some people and that's because I have a little different play style than some other shadow priests. I play more for the team as a "utility" player than someone looking to top the damage chart. You'll see me use mind flay in a few situations, but you'll notice that I'm not using it for damage but for the slow instead so that someone else can either damage the target or get away. I find that more battle grounds are won when people work as a team. For any new players to pvp, there are a couple good examples of kiting and a few of playing my utility style as I call it.

One key to being successful in the battle grounds as a caster, no matter what caster class you are, is kiting. If someone is on you, kiting in this game can be difficult. The key is to try and make sure they don't get on you in the first place. Their are two ways of doing this that work for me. First, always try to make sure that you don't look like an easy target. What I mean is you have to keep your distance. Stay as far back as possible and try not to be the closest caster to the melee classes. Second, keep moving. Circling around makes it more difficult for melee classes to keep track of you and less likely that they'll attack you. So make sure you stay back and keep moving as much as possible and you'll maximize the abilities of your team.

Good luck out there and I hope you enjoy the video.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

When's the next video?!?!?