Here at SinnfullDuck

I write posts as well as make videos about how I enjoy myself in the Battle Grounds and where to go to make some easy money as a Priest in World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope they are able to enhance your game in some way. Also, be sure to vote in the weekly polls posted to the right.

Friday, August 7, 2009

3.2 has arrived

So as the title says, 3.2 is finally here. I've been looking forward to this for awhile now. From a Shadow Priest point of view this is a great patch. I'm totally in love with the change to Dispersion. I use the glyph so the amount of times you can use it in a single BG is amazing. With people respawning in BG's a single fight can go on for what seems like forever. I've had times where I've gotten to use it three times in a single fight. Between using it for mana and using it for survivability, it's got to be one of the best tools in the game for any class.

The other major change for the shadow priest was the buff to Vampiric Touch. When this gets dispelled now I'm seeing pretty constant 6k numbers without crits. I haven't had it crit yet, or haven't been paying attention when it did, so I dont' know for sure what those numbers look like but it has to be good. That should give us a nice advantage in the arenas for those couple players who still play shadow in there. As for the rest of the shadow community who sticks to the BG's, it's still a great buff. Finally a way to keep a little extra damage on paladins!

Well, that's my take on 3.2 so far. I wanted to give a quick post to let everyone know that I'm still here and still playing the game. Just haven't had a lot of time for posting the past couple weeks. I'm going to check out the Isle of Conquest battle ground this weekend and I'll let you know what I think. Until next time...


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