Here at SinnfullDuck

I write posts as well as make videos about how I enjoy myself in the Battle Grounds and where to go to make some easy money as a Priest in World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope they are able to enhance your game in some way. Also, be sure to vote in the weekly polls posted to the right.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farming Honor

Since I've been 80 and trying to get as much honor gear as I can in a short time I've been trying to figure out what the fastest way is. I tend to do a few different things that yield a good amount of honor but I'm looking for some opinions from other players. I like doing Wintergrasp when it's up and I like doing all of the BG's, not just one. My approach so far has been to play Wintergrasp when I can and in the meantime, play a rotation of all the BG's so that I can collect all the different marks needed to turn in for honor. I also know that some people like to just farm AV since it gives a high amount of honor each time.

I have posted a poll on the sidebar of this page to try to find out what everyone else thinks is best. Also, please leave comments on here if you have an option that maybe I didn't get into. I look forward to hearing what you all think, until next time....


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