Here at SinnfullDuck

I write posts as well as make videos about how I enjoy myself in the Battle Grounds and where to go to make some easy money as a Priest in World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope they are able to enhance your game in some way. Also, be sure to vote in the weekly polls posted to the right.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's been awhile / Duck update

Hi everyone, sorry for the long break. I've had some RL issues that needed to be taken care of. Now that everything is taken care of I'll be able to get back to getting you some updates.

One update I wanted to share with everyone is that I finally made it to 80! Since making it to 80 I've played my share of battle grounds and I've managed to pick up a few pieces of gear. Instead of running around in my season 3 arena gear I'm now in 3/5 Hateful Gladiator gear. I know that's not the best gear by any means but it's a huge upgrade from where I was. I'm going to continue to keep you up to date on my gear as it advances. I've noticed that I have the ability to compete and have a ton more fun with pvp now.

As part of that fun, I've started a 2v2 arena team with my warlock friend Zeromaz. We're having a lot of fun so far and I think that combo is highly underrated. We managed to make it over 1k rating in our first ten games. Now I know your thinking, "1k rating sux!!", but you have to admit that reaching that rating in ten games with two classes that supposedly suck together and are both in season 3 gear is pretty good!

I'll keep you updated on how the team is doing, but more importantly I'll start putting together the battle ground footage that I have for you. I want everyone to see how much fun a battle ground can be when you have even just one player along side you playing the correct playstyle. Until next time.....


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