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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Priest changes in 3.2

The priest class is getting a few changes in the upcoming patch. The full notes are available Here but I'm going to shorten it up a bit for you. If you play disc for pvp your going to notice that the only real change you have is that the cool down on penance has gone from 10 up to 12sec. Not a huge deal but I'm sure we'll see a good number of people crying about it.

Now onto the true test of a priest in pvp, shadow. Shadow has gotten two major changes to talents, first is Dispersion. The cool down has been reduced from 3min to 2min. and there is nothing in the notes that says they are changing the Glyph of Dispersion either. That would mean that the cool down would be 75sec or 1:15sec with the glyph equipped. That is a HUGE difference from the current 2:25sec that we have now and it makes the spell a very useful advantage for anyone with Shadow spec. The second talent change the shadow tree is getting is to Improved Mind Blast. In it's current form, the talent reduces the cool down on Mind Blast by .5/1/1.5/2/2.5 sec. The new version of this talent will still have that but it also adding a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to reduce all healing done to the target by 20% for 10 sec. That doesn't sound like much to some people but that could be just what we need to be able to finish off classes that heal or even another class who has a healer with them. I've already changed up my spec a little to make use of this.

There is also a little bonus change that Shadow gets and it's to Vampiric Touch. The amount of damage done when the DoT is dispelled has been doubled. This puts it's damage much much closer to what locks get from UA. That alone can be a huge boost to our class.

Overall, the changes to our class look to be a positive. I'll update this post if I find any new information for you guys, Take care.


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