Here at SinnfullDuck

I write posts as well as make videos about how I enjoy myself in the Battle Grounds and where to go to make some easy money as a Priest in World of Warcraft. I hope you enjoy my posts and I hope they are able to enhance your game in some way. Also, be sure to vote in the weekly polls posted to the right.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Return to WoW

I'm sure some of you have heard of Zeromaz before and I'm sure some of you haven't. He is warlock on my server and my friend IRL (in real life). He has decided to make the change with me back to WoW. Those of you that know him can find him in game again, and throw him an invite to your vent sometime when you're looking for a laugh. He never disappoints on that one.

I've had some questions online as well as in game from people who knew both of us and to answer your questions, yes. He is also back in the game again. Look him up and myself anytime. He has a huge wealth of knowledge about Warlock PvP.


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